Monday, April 6, 2015

What is text?

Text is letters grouped together to form words in a particular order making a sentence, which when splattered with the appropriate punctuation forms an idea, conveys a thought, describes objects, places, people. 

Today's evolved definition of text could be the staccato of words impatiently shortened and disfigured miraculously decipherable by even the most lexis-challenged. 

Grasping for the elusive

Ceiling to floor French windows. Just past tea time, twilight. Facing me, the dockyard, a couple of schooners anchored in with their morning’s catch of fish, fisherman winding up for the day. Sea gulls hovering. To my right, the monastery, monks returning to their rooms after the evening prayer, the wide open gray courtyard, spotted with the orange robes. A beautiful sunset on the horizon. The silhouette of the monastery’s turrets against the orange-red sky. To my left, the slave market, after the day’s business, slaves being returned to their cells while on one side there’s a commotion caused by the disagreement over a sale. Passersby not giving it a second look, used to such occurrences every day. The prison walls behind me, guards on their watchtowers with their rifles, monitoring the prisoners as they languidly walk back into the building for lockdown after their evening on the yard. 

Oh for those good old days

Crazy bumper to bumper traffic, impatient honking, scrambling for parking, pushing into the elevator, waiting impatiently in front of a store door, the clock strikes the hour, through the plexiglass a store assistant is seen lazily dawdling toward the door, boredom written all over her face, she fumbles for the key, and unlocks the door. The door bursts open and the eager, impatient crowd push through no different from the angry, irate boarding of an electric train in Mumbai. There’s a stampede. People are knocked over and hurt – situation reeking of callousness.
There’s a mad scramble to catch the clearance sale, with limited sizes and designs. You rush to your section, only to find the single piece in your size seized by this grouch of a person. Shoulders slumped, you leave. After all that trouble!!!

Tinted windows to the soul

In a bustling café amidst the murmur of conversation and the commotion and clanging from the kitchen with the chef impatiently belting out orders, Meera suddenly looks up and notices him sitting in the far corner, staring at her, light streaming onto his face through the French windows, glint of recognition in his eyes.
Arjun had come in for a quick bite and rendezvous to shake away the languidness of the summer afternoon. She stood out in the crowd, he couldn’t shake off this feeling of familiarity.
They stare at each other silently grasping for memories.
(Moodboard – scenes flash in quick succession each with different perspectives but incomplete and somehow abruptly cut off as if from a weakened memory, of romantic walks on the beach, yacht rides, hiking through forests, afternoon strolls in the park, crazy costume parties, group of friends – in all a couple hand in hand with comfort and familiarity only with those in love. But these scenes never show the couple’s faces.)
They each realize something and run out of the café. She goes to her apartment above the café, while he runs out to his car.
They both return, each holding something – their sunglasses. They don their sunglasses, look at each other and the floodgates of their memories open and recognition dawns.
(Moodboard – the scenes from before now flash clearer and complete showing their much younger faces, the couple wearing their sunglasses throughout, in all the scenes)
The chef walks in then and an elegant salt and pepper haired lady returns from the ladies’.  
The chef walks up to Meera and gives her a peck on the cheek “Sorry for keeping you waiting, honey.”
The salt and pepper haired lady intertwines her arm with Arjun “Sweetheart, have you ordered for me as well?”

Their eyes meet, introductions are made. They all sit at the corner table with the light streaming in and enjoy a meal, laughing away heartily. All wearing their sunglasses. Meera and Arjun look at each other undetected, eyes moist with bittersweet memories and lost hope.  


I’ve gone back and forth constantly, I’ve given you everything, only to take them away on a whim, I’ve manhandled and abused you, You’...