Thursday, September 11, 2008

Enters the world of bloggers...

Everyone, I suppose, at different points in life suffer from bouts of procrastination.......but i think i top the list.....
After numerous visits to the cafe, reading blogs, coming as far as visiting a blog site only to return back saying "tomorrow i'll open one"......I've finally, gotten down to doing it......and here is my very first blog about blogging.....
Words, impressions, thoughts, ideas, experiences thrown into cyber space........a silent scream.......probably a place to vent emotions, feelings.......better than a shrink??!!! the luxury of anonymity.....wonder!!! why do people blog??!!! I have seen blogs that have absolutely no readers and hence, no comments.......the link is  displayed on your profile for friends and acquaintances to read.....but, then don't need to blog to share your thoughts with them.....
well, coming back to this delayed start of mine.....I look forward to blogging again!!!!


NishaJ said...

Great Start DJ!!I must say the thoughts u've shared are indeed in itself...."thought provokin"...i really liked the one on realisations...guess u should add on to such one's....
Here's one such line i came across recently that really touched me-
"Dreams can be decieving as faces are to hearts...but they serve as sweet relievings ,when reality and fantasy lie too far apart"....ah never a piscean my dreams are filled with unrealistic fantasies!!;)
So great start........Get Going!! hmmm just noticed...lotssss of ellipses in there!!:)


Anonymous said...

Its a good start and it yes it keeps u occupied(:p) and think of various topics to blog. Why dont u blog about your passions..and books that u read..Keep it up Divya.


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