At the end of my blog, I've added a gadget "Useless knowledge", though it doesn't really deserve that name, I think it's enough to pique one's curiousity.
One such fact was about handshakes. It seems, like in our day, even during the Middle ages, trus
t was a difficult thing and when one approaches another, he/she held out his/her hand in the palm-up position to indicate they come in peace and they are not going to attack the other person. This gesture slowly evolved to the handshake of today.

A very sobering thought!! To think we use handshakes as formal greeting these days, for wishing or congratulating people...we even teach our young ones to shake hands.
Some even teach their pet dogs to shake hands. In the ancient connotation, it's like teaching even these lesser mortals (who ironically are supposed to be very trusty and loyal) to distrust!!
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