A routine day in a new place, new job and on my way back home, totally exhausted (more from waiting for the bus and trying to cross the road than anything else) on a crowded bus from Hebbal to Yelahanka on the ever busy airport road. I finally get to sit myself down and then...like a drop of cold water on a tired soul...I see this beautiful picture unfold in front of me...I try my best not to stare...
A family of 5, probably on the way back from a long trip (given their worn out looks, on second thought, maybe not, travelling from the city on a bus in b'lore could do that to anyone). Anyways, three small girls are fast asleep on two seats occupied by the father and two of the girls while the 3rd girl nestled comfortably in the safe haven of her father's arms. All of th
em totally undisturbed by the rash driving and sudden, jerky stops, while the father tries his best to make them comfortable. The oldest rests her head on her father's lap while the second rests her head on the bent back of the oldest. The mother sits next to me with the luggage on her lap. And thus arranged was this intriguing ensemble!
A family of 5, probably on the way back from a long trip (given their worn out looks, on second thought, maybe not, travelling from the city on a bus in b'lore could do that to anyone). Anyways, three small girls are fast asleep on two seats occupied by the father and two of the girls while the 3rd girl nestled comfortably in the safe haven of her father's arms. All of th
During the journey, once, the oldest's head slips off her father's lap, and he quickly but gently adjusts
And me, the whole while trying to discreetly take pics of this refreshing scene acting like am fiddling with the phone for fear I might disturb the natural unfolding of this anecdote that could have so easily been overlooked!
I went home that day with a quiet smile on my face and feeling at peace with the world!
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