Sunday, October 25, 2009

Light bulbs...

  • Did you know that “naatram” in Tamil just means “smell” and not “bad smell”??
  • There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. - Nelson Mandela
  • Hair is made up of dead cells, but we spend fortunes trying to make it look alive and vibrant!!
  • A book I read recently conveys this: "In relation to the West, we are just the Rest"
  • They take vows at the altar “…until death do us apart” while the ink of their signatures on the pre-nuptial is still drying!!
  • “So much of life, it seems, is determined by pure randomness.” - Sydney Poitier
  • “He hath indeed better bettered expectation of me than you must expect of me to tell you how.” - William Shakespeare, Much ado about Nothing
  • “Ah! Yes, the truth, that ingenious concoction of desirability of appearance.” - Anatole France (on the Dreyfus Affair)
  • Love is just a mental state induced by a surge of hormones that will die as the hormones settle down!
  • Love creates an intoxication just as spirit does. How soon one sobers up depends upon experience!

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