"Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, but which will bloom most constantly?"
Emily Bronte (1818-1848)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Just a thought...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
They should probably add this aspect as well in their adverts...walkman and excellent alarm
Saturday, October 18, 2008
On second thought

A very sobering thought!! To think we use handshakes as formal greeting these days, for wishing or congratulating people...we even teach our young ones to shake hands.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lead by the nose...drifting along one day
I’ve realized that I’m totally unable to write! Don’t know if it’s a simple case of a writer’s block or perhaps I’m just not as passionate about writing as I’m about reading!! Or maybe the excitement of opening a blog has just died down and probably it’s lost it’s novelty. And I realize that I’m just doodling now hehehe…
I suppose atleast this simple doodling has temporarily satiated my blog’s hunger!!!
I’ve recently begun taking a lot of snaps though, I just keep clicking away! One such day was about a couple of days back, just drifting through my usual day…got back from work…decided to go out for a walk and visit some friends. Passed Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala and decided it’s time I made that long overdue visit to my pure-Malayalam-speaking friends there (I think my malayalam is passable, but wonder why I get blank stares!!!).
I’ve found myself visiting the clinic as a kind of retreat…never gave much thought to it, but the last time I was there, I realized that I felt like I was being transported to a whole different world, very traditional, relaxing and peaceful! Almost like being transported to “God’s own country (Parashurama-bhumi)” itself.
For those who don’t know much about them, “Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala is a charitable institution offering authentic Ayurvedic medicines and treatments to patients from all over India and abroad. It was founded in 1902 by Vaidyaratnam P.S. Warrier. The salubrious climate of Kottakkal at Malappuram district in Kerala,(South India) and the picturesque and ecologically rich landscape of its environs make it an ideal location for Ayurvedic treatment and convalescence”.
Well, now that you get a picture, you will be able to understand what I write here now.
Let me tell you, I usually hate going to clinics and hospitals, the smell of the disinfectant, nurses in their pristine white and not-so-white uniforms, glucose drips, just makes me sick. And ever since, I came across the term “nosocomial” infections, the fact that you could actually contract diseases and infections at hospitals hit home.
But this place was different, the smell of the medicines wasn’t really unpleasant, there is a very cozy, buoyant atmosphere about the whole place. The medicines they prescribe have long, amusing and unpronounceable (lol) names and I suppose the sophisticated nature of those names themselves provide the patients half their cure in the weird way that our brains work and our

They use a mixture of roots, herbs, powders of herbs, rose petals, turmeric, oils made from various types of vegetation for treating ailments. Seems like they didn’t leave any vegetation (:-p) unturned in order to find a use!! So, you can imagine the odor this place emanates…hmmmmmm…seemingly salubrious and rich…kind of makes me feel nostalgic, don’t know nostalgic of what…but nostalgic all the same…I find myself going there just for this experience…an oasis of rich, inducing and aromatic odors in a desert of dry, suffocating fumes of the city!!! Feel like being taken back in time to some exotic, bygone era with people clad in traditional outfits, going through rituals, potions being concocted over fires, with the smell of frankincense hanging in the air, in some remote location in the middle of a jungle...
The sense of smell is a strange thing, it can evoke memories in a jiffy, the smell of a familiar perfume can remind us of a loved one, the aroma of freshly baked cakes brings to my mind’s eye a picture of my mom in the kitchen with gloves peering into the oven...
It’s said that of all the senses, the sense of smell is the strongest and most important but is also easily overlooked. In fact lots of people have lost their sense of smell for one reason or another, and yet relatively few of them complain about it to their doctor. It can induce a strong sense of nostalgia. Hmmmm…that being the case…dogs might be nostalgic every minute of their lives!!! Hehehe…
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hey, I can cook!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
There is this song that I'd once recorded from the FM, hence didn't know who the artist was or the name of the song, but I always liked listening to it and it never failed to bring a smile on my face. The song and the lyrics tickle me so much, that I just have to share this with others, so here goes:
The name of the song is "Men", sung by "The Forester Sisters" part of the album "Talkin' 'Bout Men" released in 1991
They buy you dinner, open your door
Other than that, what are they good for?
Men! I’m talkin’ ‘bout men
They all want a girl just like the girl
That married dear old dad they make me so mad
Chorus: Men! I’m talkin’ ‘bout men
Well, you can’t beat ‘em up ‘cause they’re bigger than you
You can’t live with ‘em and you just can’t shoot ‘em
Men! I’m talkin’ ‘bout men
They love their toys they make their noise
They’re nothing but a bunch of overgrown boys
Men! I’m talking ‘bout men
If you give ‘em what they want, they never fall in love
Don’t give ‘em nothin’ they can’t get enough
In the beginning they always aim to please
They serve a purpose they fill a need
They ensure survival of the species
They take you for a ride, run out of gas
Most of the time they’re a pain in the a-a yeah, yeah
Silver tongue devils
Well, they’re lying through their teeth
Saying anything
Just to sweep you off your feet
Ooh yeah, men! Talkin’ ‘bout men
Mere mortal man
Well, doesn't that sum it all up? I needn't say anything more!
Nothing has triggered this post of mine!!! Trust me :-p
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Before Sunrise

Some of the topics and dialogues that really caught my attention are:
- Jesse at one point mocks love and the attraction one feels for a person by saying that humans have a tendency to put a "romantic projection" on everything we come across in life and upon close scrutiny, the bubble of romance breaks and our feet land firmly on the ground
- In a quiet moment at a church, where they discuss religion and beliefs, Jesse relates an experience where he accompanied a friend to the wedding of one who belongs to the Quaker Religion. There is absolute silence in the chapel, while the bride and groom sit staring into each other's eyes in the resonating silence waiting for God to talk to them, and finally, after about an hour or so of silence, they exchange vows and marry.
- Celine says she wants to be independent and not be someone who's life revolves around a man. But then, she recounts a conversation with a 52 yr old man who looks back at his life and realises that all he's been doing is working and working but sees no true meaning in it and no one to share his life with. Celine then says "Deep down inside all of us, we all want to love and be loved"
- Jesse "We are all each other's demons and angels"
...and a lot more...Celine is this independent, philosophical yet romantic girl who yearns for true love and Jesse is this cynical, practical, feet-firmly-planted-on-the-ground kind of guy who also, at the end of it all, yearns of, one day, becoming a good husband and father yet wonders if relationships are meant to last forever!!
...the unsaid things and feelings between them due to the obvious realisation that their relationship is practically impossible builds so much of this tension and anticipation between them that it's almost tangible... of which we are given just a glimpse!!
"Before Sunrise" is a definite must watch for those of you out there who care about such topics!! I suppose it has a sequel as well "Before Sunset"!!
Love could happen when one least expects it!!!! Happy watching!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Oxford defines "ellipsis" - omission of words needed to complete construction or sense; set of three dots etc. indicating such omission.
It is said that, these blank spaces or dashes were instances when Jesus was overwhelmed by emotions so much so that he was at a loss for words, hence it speaks better than words and helps in conveying the meaning intended!!! The power of imagination is such a great tool!!!
These days a lot of us use ellipses in the form of dots... (here I go again), in fact, I used a lot of them in my first blog and came about writing this blog trying to explain why I did that.....perhaps I was at a loss for words....or maybe I was just clearly confused!!! hmmm...
How far I've come since opening my blog!! I've managed three posts on the same day...and to think I was at a loss for topics to write on...
Realisations - some borrowed
So many special and cherished moments in our lives. When we look back on them, we realize that most of them were really short. And we wish that they had lasted longer but we don’t realize that their shortness is what probably made us cherish them and long for them so.
I have this habit of writing down or marking lines that I found to be really intriguing in books that i read. A few such lines are -
- "Could fulfillment be felt as deeply as loss?" - Kiran Desai in "Inheritance of loss"
- "A face long not seen finally fades" - Orhan Pamuk in "My name is Red"
- "The worlds that people build for themselves are an open book - people build what they never had, but always wanted" - Robert Crais in "The last detective"
- "Somewhere in my life I got the notion that if you tried to make a business out of the thing you loved, then that thing would become a job and the love would be ruined for ever" - Jeanne Ray in "Eat Cake"
- "Tears are more special than smile. For smile can be given to anyone, but tears are shed only for the one we love" - Anonymous
Enters the world of bloggers...
I’ve gone back and forth constantly, I’ve given you everything, only to take them away on a whim, I’ve manhandled and abused you, You’...
As usual, I was wide awake at midnight and decided to see if they have something interesting on TV (which unfortunately has only 4 channels ...
Eversince I woke up this morning, I've been itching to write this post!! There is this song that I'd once recorded from the FM, henc...
If I sleep, I either sleep like Rip Van Winkle Or I don't If I sing, I either sing like a nightingale Or I don't If I paint, ...