Saturday, September 20, 2008


Eversince I woke up this morning, I've been itching to write this post!!
There is this song that I'd once recorded from the FM, hence didn't know who the artist was or the name of the song, but I always liked listening to it and it never failed to bring a smile on my face. The song and the lyrics tickle me so much, that I just have to share this with others, so here goes:

The name of the song is "Men", sung by "The Forester Sisters" part of the album "Talkin' 'Bout Men" released in 1991


They buy you dinner, open your door
Other than that, what are they good for?
Men! I’m talkin’ ‘bout men
They all want a girl just like the girl
That married dear old dad they make me so mad

Chorus: Men! I’m talkin’ ‘bout men
Well, you can’t beat ‘em up ‘cause they’re bigger than you
You can’t live with ‘em and you just can’t shoot ‘em
Men! I’m talkin’ ‘bout men

They love their toys they make their noise
They’re nothing but a bunch of overgrown boys
Men! I’m talking ‘bout men
If you give ‘em what they want, they never fall in love
Don’t give ‘em nothin’ they can’t get enough


In the beginning they always aim to please
They serve a purpose they fill a need
They ensure survival of the species
They take you for a ride, run out of gas
Most of the time they’re a pain in the a-a yeah, yeah


Silver tongue devils
Well, they’re lying through their teeth
Saying anything
Just to sweep you off your feet
Ooh yeah, men! Talkin’ ‘bout men
Mere mortal man

Well, doesn't that sum it all up? I needn't say anything more!
For the women who need a good laugh!! and men who can handle it!!

Nothing has triggered this post of mine!!! Trust me :-p


Anonymous said...

I so agree with these lyrics. Men never stay the same..better we digets the truth now than later ;)

Anonymous said...

* digest

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Humans never stay the same..better we digest the truth now than later ;)


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